Darkness /// Light

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[dropcap]Addiction[/dropcap], depression and melancholia are not foreign to me. Even now, 9+ years after my last and hopefully final detox, I am still attracted to the darkness of living on the edge in a weird romantic kind of way.

Shit stinks, but it’s warm… I felt like an outcast as an addict on the lookout for the next hit, and now I feel somewhat misplaced in the middle-class, office type of life I am leading. This certainly reflects in my photography. 

My passion for photography evolved in 2012. For me It has become a form of connecting with the environment, silent communication; mindfulness. 

This series is by no means a documentary, neither am I pointing fingers; rather this is a set of photos that touch me emotionally, moments that I can relate to.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Seoul_2014_02[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]CapeTown_2012_02

Cape Town, 2012.


Cologne, 2012


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Cologne, 2014


Dusseldorf, 2014


Hong Kong, 2013


Hong Kong, 2013


Hong Kong, 2014


New York, 2013


New York, 2013


New York, 2013


Perth, 2013


Schiedersee, 2014


Seoul, 2014


Seoul, 2014


Solingen, 2015

Bernd Schäfers was born on 23 July 1963 in Koblenz, Germany. He went to school in Cape Town, South Africa where his family emigrated due to his father’s job. He returned to Germany in 1981. After working in different jobs, partying and travelling he finally specialised as an IT consultant. Bernd has a history of alcohol and drug addiction and after the final detox he is now sober and clean for 9+ years. He lives in Solingen, Germany. Bernd discovered his passion for photography in 2012. His images are mostly processed in black and white.

“I remember staring at the same b/w images in a 70s photo magazine as a kid over and over again. I was fascinated by the indescribable magic, the mystique, the timelessness; and still am.“ 

Check Bernd’s work here: berndschaefers.com

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  « The Boat Man & The Mini Titanic

Bernd Schäfers

Bernd was born on 23 July 1963 in Koblenz, Germany. He went to school in Cape Town, South Africa where his family emigrated due to his father’s job. He returned to Germany in 1981. After working in different jobs, partying and travelling he finally specialised as an IT consultant. Bernd has a history of alcohol and drug addiction and after the final detox he is now sober and clean for 9+ years. He lives in Solingen, Germany. Bernd discovered his passion for photography in 2012. His images are mostly processed in black and white.

“I remember staring at the same b/w images in a 70’s photo magazine as a kid over and over again. I was fascinated by the indescribable magic, the mystique, the timelessness; and still am.“

Check Bernd’s work: berndschaefers.com

Follow Bernd: @bernd_schaefers
